Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Prophetic Warning

Hi There. My Brother in law, Tex Autry Lay, passed away into eternity on Sunday. My sister is in shock, but at peace with his passing. Tex was passed away at home, in his own bed, surrounded by his loved ones. Please pray for his family to adjust quickly.
Another thing that might interest you is the continuation of the flow of crude into the gulf, from only one of 79,000 wells dug in the Gulf of Mexico. This speaks to me of Revelation 16:3, where the angel of the LORD is told to dump his vial in the seas and it turns to blood and kills every living thing. Thanks BP. Be sure that what so ever you sow shall surely come back upon your head. You sow the seeds for your own payback. God isn't blind to this. Get ready. The ship is about to sink. Best to get into the Ark that God has provided for us. He is the Messiah of God.
America has been judged in the balance and found wanting. She is riddled with traitors to their own personal oaths of office, before God, and taken bribes, concealed the truth about all activities for private gain. Love of money is the root of all evil. God is about to change everything. Obama platformed with a commitment to change. He is aligned with those who want a "Chinese Form" of government for the international scale. When Mao Tse Tung took over China for the Communist religion, he first killed 120 million of his own Chinese leaders and their followers. It is completely AntiGod and AntChrist, plus they no like Jews or muslims either.
The New World Order must be established before the end of all things happens. God showed Daniel a Stone that was cut out without hands, and it struck the feet of the statue in the vision and shattered it. It is a prophecy of the season we are in. Only trouble with all this is that a lotta people are not going to like the process that leads to the end, and ultimately the installation of the Kingdom of God.
Have a nice day. Don't forget to search after God with all of your heart if you really want Him. He will reveal Himself to you.

1 comment:

  1. If really gets exciting when you realize that He and you are One. I is a illusion of me. Let there be light, and there is. Jesus didn't say,
    Have faith in God. He really said, "Have the faith of God" Then all will be changed.


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