Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Transparent One

When I speak of transparency, I am talking about You being YOURSELF, not presenting a phony ego in an effort to convince others that you are something you really aren't.
I told God that was my desire, to be transparent for the world to see the real Me.
"Deny your "self", take up your cross, and follow Me" saith the LORD. A phony can't do that without giving up his (or her) phoniness. You gotta get real with God, cause He aint' gonna play no games with you. He is gonna love you unconditionally because He is your Father, your Creator, by Christ Jesus. He is completely trustworthy because He is LOVE.

He promised to never leave nor forsake those that put their trust in Him. I am sure glad for that.
I have had a few ugly things in my sordid past that I wanted set free from, and He was faithful to do it, from the inside out, not the outside in. He comes into one's life, heart, head, etc, ONLY BY FAITH! He doesn't enter into your affairs without invitation. He totally permits you to reap whatever crap you sowed. It always comes back to haunt you. "Be sure your sin will find you out". All that is hidden will be exposed in due time. It always is.
An affair (adultry or fornication) where one or both of the parties are "committed" to another partner, always blows up in the face of the participants. Why don't you just be faithfful to your mate, assuming you are married (49% divorce rate in US),
and avoid yourself a lot of hell on earth?
Believe God for deliverance and transforming into His image and likeness. You will have to go through hell to get there though. ALL of your(my) wicked ways must be washed away by the cross. That means turning from the bad stuff, and putting in the good stuff. God likes that kind of thing. He is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. I recommend it highly. Love y'all.
Brother Pat Update: The divorce rate has continued to increase. Its over 50% of late. Lust is not love.

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