Sunday, February 20, 2011


We, the people of the United States do hereby establish a free nation with the unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We declare our right to bear arms, own property without threat of duress or theft by the government. Our police and soldiers are under our authority, and not that of the United Nations or some other foreign entity. Our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are only possible under the Constitution of the Founding Fathers.
Lets take back our state's rights.

Lets take back our government. Lets unmask and oust every treasonous, corrupt government official, especially in the judicial and legislative parts of our government. Lets pay the constitutionally mandated taxes only. Lets renounce all debt fraudulently incurred and illegally placed on the backs of the people to keep the rich in their ivory towers. What about a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Lets use the Common Law Courts. Lets fire Washington from controlling us here, for their own benefit. Where are any leaders who are willing to die for this country? Have they all been bought off? The New World Order is here. I don't like it. I don't care for their plans to murder off nearly 5 BILLION of us. They want the rest for slaves to provide for their well being. They believe the money they screwed us out of makes them better placed for leadership. They tutor their offspring in secret societies and conceal their agenda from the ignorant masses. However, they have enemies. God for instance. They believe that Lucifer is God. They hate Christians, Jews, Muslims, Asians, Blacks, and Latinos. They love nothing but themselves.
God knows their heart, and who puts their trust in Him.
I am a "useless eater" by their definition, and only fit to be a slave or in the grave. I put my faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ at Calvary. His Grace is sufficient for me. He is the One they must overcome.
Its not possible, however.
I hate Liars, Thieves, perverts, murderers, and all that is Anti Christ. I hate those that abuse their fellow man.

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