Wednesday, November 9, 2011

World Wide Wild Ride!

My friend the Wise man from Nevada, ran across this short article. The End of our nation, as we known it. We are in an exact repeat of pre WWII scenarios. Its as if history is repeating itself because men failed to understand that we are all one family, the human race. We have a Creator Who is in charge of it all, and He has left this world in our hands. Some of us are selfish, gready, care about nothing except me, mine, and myself. They follow aggressively after their neighbor's goods, such as his minerals, water, food, or oil. Perhaps he eyeballs his neighbor and thinks, "Hmm, I wonder if I can so decieve that blind fool, that I can dupe him into becoming my slave by promising riches and abundance in return?" You know, says he, to himself, I think I will gather a group of really intelligent men and women, that cream of the crop, human speaking, and we, along with 500 million others will live here. We'll dupe the other 6 billion into killing each other off, leaving their wealth and minds to us to control. It sounds insane, but its the reality of the mindset of the incoming New World Order.


George Orwell knew well what he was talking about in his historical book, "1984". He wrote it in the 1930s I believe. Now, all that he spoke of has pretty much come to pass. The government is spying everywhere, and it all requires computers to function. Their are companies like, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, in conjunction and agreement with the world's intellligence services, capture every on line word you see, know and catalog every web search, emailed, or website gone to. Facebook and other organiztions amass, then sell, the data to the government, who keeps records, via computer, on each and every one of us. They can track us through the credit cards in our wallets, or the GPS system in the cars. Big Brother, is growing into a tiresome nusense, especially if you wish to travel. The war on terror, is, in truth, a war on individual liberties in America, and Canada.

It is no secret that Monsanto Chemical has a major stake in the production of Corn in this county. Using Genetic Modification, I understand they've developed hybrids that are extremely resistance to disease, but that it absorbs more of the Chemicals that Monsanto sells. They are in cahoots with the Big Farms, and Seed Banks. The seed from these plants is patented, so they are quickly destroying off the natural stuff, and won't sell seed to a grower unless he also commits to buying the fertilizer. I call that blackmail, and outright greed. It shows a company that doesn't care about the people, just the profits. "Unless God build the house, they labor in vain that build it". This GMO corn is then fed into the food supply. The food is now contaminated with this same friggin chemical because it is in the seed of the corn, absorbed from the earth. This corn is fed to other animals, made into flour, corn bread, tortillas, etc. Being consumed by humans can bring about some side effects, such as premature birth, cancer, sterility, etc. A thorough examination of the side effects of human consumption of Monsanto's fertilizer might be revealing.

For the United States to thrive once again, there must be a change in the hearts of the Leaders. The sheep follow the lead of the shepherd. Most of us americans are sheeple. The use of fluoridation has had its side effects also. I don't think my body ever suffered from a lack of fluoride, a toxic byproduct of aluminum production. We are being continuously being poisoned by the water we drink. I don't know about you, but I didn't ask for flouride to be put in my water. It supposedly reduces cavities in teeth. I believe it is there to make the populous more docile. I know that I am.

Here are some of my links:
Prosperity Blog

Free Website Builder I Use

Escaping Death's Sting

Going Green

Escaping Death's Sting

The Power of Auto Suggestion

Quantum Physics and Reality

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