Sunday, May 6, 2012

Revelations From The Circumstances

A friend of mine drove from Portland to take me to a meeting where Kat Kerr was going to share her "Revelations From Heaven". I went to Youtube to see what she was about. I became engrossed with what she shared. I couldn't get enough of her ministry, which was completely from above. My friend and I went to two meetings and were blown away by the Spirit of Love and power being poured out. I knew many of the family gathered there, including one couple whose wedding I participated in 19 yrs ago. I also encountered a former coworker whom I hadn't seen in nearly 30 yrs ago. The host is the pastor of a small church whom I have prayed with and for many times. His wife and family all participated in this event and were absolutely the epitome, in my opinion, of what Christ as Head of the household makes for a great family. Mike Delorenzo,Pastor, artist, father, brother, and servant of God is to be commended for his gifts to the Body of Christ. Kat Kerr fit right in. The Spirit of Love flowed with power and might, and the Glory of the Living God was released into our midst. Wow, Lighting Bolts of Love from God's throne. She said she had been to heaven thousands of time, and is a devil chaser! They skedaddled when she ministered. It was really wonderful and fun. I was surprised to learn that heaven is full of pets, has roller coasters, etc. Sure am praying that MY NAME isn't blotted out of the Book of Life. Never to late to repent, as long as you can breathe. I have been searching for the fullness of understanding in every area of life. Needless to say, I have uncovered a lot of lies held as truth, within myself, and everyone else as well. The Truth is only found in Christ Jesus, Whose Spirit is being poured out on all who will receive. Best to make peace with the Prince of Peace. He welcomes as who come to me, with hat in hand, head bowed, and asking for His help. Most are too arrogant. America is in the midst of experiencing God's judgments, similar to the plagues on the Egyptians just prior to God setting the Israelites free from Egyptian slavery. There were nine plagues, each given to encourage the King (you or me) to change his ways (repent from his sinful practices), and practice doing good instead of wickedness. Rabbi Cahn has written an interesting book entitled "The Harbinger. He covers this subject thoroughly. Judgments come to us all. America has thumbed her nose at God. Its us, the Church, that have fallen down on the job. If we had all been diligently praying and living righteous lives, bad stuff wouldn't happen. Rebellion opens the door to one's enemies to kick his butt. Righteousness exalts a nation, but wickedness is a shame that brings troubles. Too bad we let God's enemies take control of America. Now we gotten do Spiritual Warfare to bring back righteousness. The battle is underway right now. The church has the power to do it. We are turning the tide back and Truth will prevail. Lets take back the airways for good instead of evil. Do you pray for our politicians and leaders? Jesus already paid the price, but you have to pay your own price. You must throw your crown (ego) at his feet, and accept His sacrifice for you. He says, Lets Make a Deal! I'll give you My Life, if you will give Me yours. Wanna swap? I am so glad I accepted that offer. My life began to change from that moment on. It doesn't seem to be getting any easier either. He is not pleased with any darkness operating in our lives. The brightness (glory) of His appearing puts out all darkness and devils run away screaming. They hate the Light of Christ. My Jesus declares to His children, and to the world that we are the Light of the World, through Him. He is the Firstborn of many brethren. He gives you anything you ask for according to His word. Ask Him for His Spirit, then Recieve It by faith. Come Holy Spirit. Amen

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